Welcome everyone!
I'm Sarah, a postdoc working on child language acquisition. After a BA in General Linguistics and English Studies with lots of interdisciplinary research fun I studied at UCL for an MSc in Language Sciences with specialisation in language development. During my PhD, I looked at cross-domain influences of word and action learning during infancy back in Goettingen. Basically, this means that I studied how the hopping of a bunny can influence our learning of the word "rabbit" during early childhood (maybe it's supporting to know more about this little fluffy thing? Or is it rather distracting? Or maybe it doesn't matter at all?). Now during my postdoc, I keep doing a bit of everything. This means doing lots of fun studies and lots of playing during the day (and calling this my job - ha!). If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me!
Here just a few notes about this website: I started this website long ago for a little research project during my BA (the preserved traces you can find under "Paired Associations of German"). It was all about linguistic priming (i.e., accessing the word "banana" more easily when I talk about a "monkey" in contrast to "car") and we needed associated word pairs. Then, during my MSc in London I used it as a blog to tell my beloved family back in Germany how rare rain in London actually is and how beautiful the landscape of Britain can be (and, of course, how cute baby sheep are when they are tottering around right in front of you). The posts are all collected under "Masterplanberichte". I also use it for example stimuli and you can find more on my OSF page. Let's see what comes next!
When I'm not researching, I like to spend time with my little research participant, go swing dancing, or knit and sew (depending on season).